27 December 2014

in search of the final live setup - part 8

Reduce to the max.
I fell in love with the Korg Kaossilator 3 pro+ and a Kaosspad 3 pro+.
Perfect twins for live playing. But also for some serious tracks. "Post mortem" was done with this two boxes. Nothing else.

After some practising I made the decison that this couple would fit best for the October Ambiosonics live session.  That session was dedicated to Spheric Lounge, an ambient project in Munic from where Ambiosonics stems from.

For the most time I went with the flow of the improvised music. You can listen to that on Soundcloud: Spheric Lounge Session 109.

But then I´ve  liked to add some beat to the meditative musical stream. I choosed a very percussive bass preset (as  in "Post mortem") and played it by hand/finger. The opening seqence of this video shows me playing the bass on my minimalistic Kaoss twin setup.

Beats and percussions are against the rules of Spheric Lounge ambient sessions. The other musicians- long term Spheric Lounge members -  hated me for the disturbance. As a result the track was not included into the Soundcloud collection of this impressive night.

It was recorded but never released. But here it is...


Good music, nice singing of Isabelle Künstler. And I broke the rules. Sorry for that.

14 August 2014

Triangles Fetival 2014 or - in search for the final live setup - part 7

With AN200 and Kaoss Pad 3+  at Triangles Festival 2014 and  the story behind this setup...

Where/when do I play live? At the moment with Ambiosonics once a month in Munich.
I´m travelling by train from Vilshofen to Munich.
So my setup has to fit in a Thomann Producer back pack.

1) My fist setup was composed of a Flame echometer and  a Zoom streetbox. I´ve used a Zoom RFX 300 tabletop effectbox as a mixer. This was also my first appearence with Ambiosonics. I delivered mainly drumpattern to the mix. Listen to the tracks of Session 51

2) My second setup was Flame Six-in-a-row, Yamaha DX200, Alesis Metavox and the Zoom RFX 300 as mixer, wich didn´t work. Anyhow Session 52 was one of the greatest events.

3) Beside Ambiosonics, I´ve joined Sphericlounge for Session 107 with Echometer, Yamaha TG33, Jomox T-Resonator und a new Mackie Mixer. The Resonator spoiled the show. It is very uncontrollable and distorted the mix.

4) On Ambiosonics Session 55 I´ve used my smallest setup. Alesis Nanosynth, Six-in-a-Row, Eowave Filterbug, Alesis Ineko. A very nice session. Best parts where released on CD  "Around the Corner"!

5) On Session 57 just Florian Anwander and I played the night. For the first time, I´ve used a Yamaha AN200. The drumtracks of the Yamaha where controlled by the Echometer. Effects where Alesis Ineko and Alesis Bitrman. And a little Behringer Xenyx 502 mixer. Verxy nice set.

6) Session 58 was the AN 200 again. Now with two Alesis Inekos. The Xenix 502 did a good job.

7) There will be a festival in Munich on the 16th of August. I´ve decided to play with the AN200 and the KaossPad. And the little mixer. Try to use a microphone with the KaossPad.

Have a look:

in search for the final setup - part 3

Susanoon Synth - Picogenerator -  Korg Kaoss Pad

Susanoon Synth is a small analog synht box with an 8 step sequencer. It delivers the pulse for the picogenerator and some short melody. The pico is triggered by the Susanoon Synth and plays its own song which runs into the Kaospad, that adds granular dirt...

Listen to the sounds;


13 August 2014

Triwave Picogenerator

New kid on the block. Picogenerator. Highly discussed noise box. Some are underwhelmed by the Triwave machine. I think, it´s a great tool. Very subtle. A drone, a synth, an effect box for guitar or anything else. Can be triggered by a drummachine, by a modular via CV.
Will incorporate it in a live environment. .

22 June 2014

Microsound experiments with a drum machine

My learning form the Heart of noise festival in Innsbruck was that with a drum machine you couldt do a good noise show. No need to use a Laptop.
Used my Yamaha RX5 to figure that out.

 First I delved into the realm of microsound composition. Best introduction was the book of Curtis Roads, Microsound http://books.google.de/books/about/Microsound.html?id=YxnqcAR7xjkC&redir_esc=y

Very inspiring in case of microsounds and drummachines was a text by Pere Villez: http://perevillez.wordpress.com/2014/04/25/particle-composition-the-wavehole-and-the-xenakis-screens/

The RX5 is perfect for that kind of noise and microsound composition. Here is an example. Lots of reminders of Ikeda sound

The door is open. Will go on experimenting

Heart of Noise Festival, Innsbruck

Three perfect days in Innsbruck. Lots of noise, good learning

most important for me: Ryoji Ikeda

All in all: Innsbruck was a very bodily experience. Loud!!. Playing this music makes it necessary to practise with a monster PA. Access to such a PA is crucial to become part of this community.
Almost all artists where using laptops on stage.
I was trying to figure out, which instruments could work best for this kind of noise heard in Innsbruck:
its a drum machine. The whole Ideka stuff could be reproduced with a drum machine.
So I started to experiment with my RX5....

27 May 2014

18 May 2014

My first Disquiet Junto Project

A sampling experience. Used the Zoom Sampletrak to record and cut the music. Mangled the samples with the inbuilt effects. Then recorded the song on my Tascam DP02. Hard work, because I had to restart several times.

This was the challenge:

Create a new piece of music by using nothing but the first 45 seconds from these three pieces of music:
Erissoma’s “The miracle in the human brain” from the addSensor netlabel:
Kayaka’s “O” from the As4cords netlabel:
D’Incise’s “Graphein” from the Audiotalaia netlabel:


15 May 2014

Ambiosoncis Session with AN200

Session 58. The center of my setup was a Yamaha AN 200. Perfect tool for playing live. Alesis Bitrman added some spice, Alesis Ineko revervs and delays.
They did good togehter.

Will upload some music later..

19 March 2014

Telemetry Basic Patch

There is no manual and very restricted support of the Telemetry

Newbies can start this way:

Midi in: Connect your Midi-seqencer  or keyboard with Midi In. Select a midi channel. Press a key or a sequencer-button. Press "learn" and the Telemetry will recognize the selected midi channel.

Connect CV Pitch with VCO1 CV
Connect VCO1 rectangle wave (or sawtooth) with VC LPF (low pass filter) signal 1 or signal 2. Signal 1 can be adjusted.
Connect VCA -> CV in the same row with Envelope
Connect Trigger in Envelope with Gate in Midi CV (triggers envelope)
Connect VCA <- amp="" audio="" is="" nbsp="" output="" p="" sig="" this="" with="">
In the case shown I have connected the output to the input of the Yamaha MU90r wich is connected to a mixer. The signal of the Telemetry can be mangled with the inbuilt effects and mixed with MU90 sounds.

12 March 2014

live jam - ambiosonics

13th of January, Glockenbachwerkstatt, Munich
enjoy http://www.ambiosonics.de/session55/index.html
My favorites: Bunker and Voglers

My gear: Alesis Nanosynth, Alesis Ineko, Eowave Filterbug, Flame Six-in-a-row, Mackie VLZ4 802 Mixer

metamorphosis of the dinett



06 March 2014

going modular, almost

Analogue Solutions Telemetry has arrived...

Silent at the moment. Just ordered a bunch of patch cables.
No dedicated manual. Downloaded the recommended Vostek manual. This one is written for the modular guy, not for a newbie like me.
Will report, whats going on...

26 February 2014

Bruno Latour inspires...

this tune was made with almost the same equipment used in  spheric lounge live sessions:
echometer, tg33, alesis ineko
to be true, I was practicing with that gear to play it live. while practising this song emerged. it reminds me strongly on my reading experience of Bruno Latours "An Inquiry to the modes of existence." Couldt it be, that some being of fiction has used me?

my gear here: tg 33, echometer, M-resonator, ineko: spheric lounge 107

2013 has ended with some live jamming: spheric lounge - session 107

22 February 2014

I´m back!

Well. It takes me about a year to come back and post again.
This time a new sound. sad, unique.
And I´d like to check out the new visual player of soundcloud

Looks phantastic.

BTW: The basic music is done with a nanosynth. Synht, bass, percussion. The overlay melody comes from a Novation A-Station, the choir from my beloved Yamaha CS6r.
The Yamaha was the reason for finishing this song, which was buried on my recorder.
A MuffWiggler-Post askes for orchestral sound in hardware. My answer was my Roland Orchestra Card, that I bought for the MC909. This machine comes now from another star.
But the card is in this big machine. Where can I get some orchestral sounds quick? I digged deep in my CS6r and found pretty nice violins, harps, choirs, brasses.
Remembered the song on the recorder, I played with orchestral beef up. Loved the choir most. As you can hear.